Saturday, April 2, 2016

Destination Roulette

Origibally I thought this post would be about local wandering in the Phoenix area. Since Jenn's sons had basketball games Saturday afternoon, it didn't seem like we would be able to get too far away from the area. But just when all hope seemed lost, we stopped by a mall food court loaded with Arizzona tourist info. We grabbed all the pamphlets for stuff that we wanted to see at some point.

After we loaded up on travel literature, the lightbulb moment hit! We decided to play a game of destination roulette. We narrowed it down to locations we could get to before sunset, tossed a quarter at them and where it landed we were headed. Tucson was the winner. 15 minutes to pack a bag, load the tent and sleeping bags and we are off! Let's see what southern AZ has to offer....

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