I’m sure anyone who has checked out the page so far is wondering what the name means. Or maybe if you do get the name, you’re wondering why not “Renegade Traveler” or “Maverick Meanderer”? Oh! I kind of like that last one! Meh…forget it, I’m not changing the Facebook page, Twitter handle, and Snapchat name.
Rogue Wandering is a far different concept than tourist traveling. The rogues I think of don’t go by dictionary definition as a “dishonest or immoral person”. I guess the second definition as “someone who causes trouble in a playful way”. I look at it as going rogue or not doing what is expected.
I like the concept of wandering more than the idea of traveling. In my mind tourist style travel involves itineraries, schedules, stress, checklists, and of the other tools and stresses related to planning. Wandering is the relaxed version of travel: the whichever way the wind blows approach. Wandering involves a carefree, spur of the moment choice to do, see, or learn something new. Wandering uses free time, traveling involves planned time.
Planned travel works for most people, but I’m not a fan of planning. If a plan has been put in place, the moment you fall behind schedule the stress kicks in. If I’m wandering, what’s the harm in not being at a specific place at a specific time. The answer is….nothing.
Now I need to admit that the entire concept for this blog (and hopefully one day company) might not be possible without a partner whose desire to do the spontaneous matches mine. I’ve always had the desire to take these kinds of trips and to wander aimlessly. But it wasn’t until I met Jenn that someone supported this craziness. She is the one who has fueled these ideas to move forward when they would have sputtered to a stop in the past. Someone would have told me it was a dumb idea or to stop dreaming, but not her. Her response is almost always “let’s do it!”
Having that support is how a guy who hadn’t traveled out of Phoenix more than 10 times since moving here can suddenly dream of being a wandering blogger. That is the kind of lifestyle change you don’t go back from. We are two Rogue Wanderers who wandered into each other.
![Rogue Wanderer Logo](https://roguewandererblog.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/rogue-wanderer-logo1.jpg?w=640)